Friday, June 11, 2010

You are greedy!

One lovely morning, you wake up and as usual, you open up your email and you found something wonderful. Out of nowhere, one anonymous guy send you an email asking help from you. That person wrote in your email that he is from Sudan, he now have a war back there, but he from a rich family. He have USD150 millions with him and he need your help to keep the money until everything back to normal again. In order for him to trust you, you just need to pay him USD100 to proof that you are reliable and can be trusted. Wow! Then you think USD100 is just nothing compare to USD150 millions. One more thing, he promise to give you 50 percent of the money as a way to thank you (he want to give you USD75 millions!). You thank to god because of the email.

You know what, you are greedy!

Another story.

One day, one of your best friends come to you. He said you are going to be rich because luckily he found a new type of investment which can double your investment in 6 months. He don't know exactly how they do it, but it is proof to be true. Last 6 months, he said he already paid them RM100 and now after 6 months he get back RM200. "See! Don't you get it? This thing can bring us to millionaires planet. ", that's how your best friend convincing you. He tell you more. "Imagine if we invest RM100, 000 and after half a year, we will get back RM200,000. And if we don't use the money, we invest it back, in a year we already accumulate RM400,000. What if we invest for 2 years? I already calculate it, we got RM1,600,000. That's mean we can be a millionaire in 2 years." Now you see the plan. But you don't have any money, but your parent have a house which cost RM150 000. That is more than enough.

You know what, you a greedy!

Now I will explain why I said you are greedy. In this world, people who want a lot of money without working, we call them greedy. That is both situations is all about. It's about you wanted to be rich without doing any work, just wait and get the money. That is not how this world work, no one will paid you money without you giving any benefit to them. But why people still believe in this both situations even they realize that it is weird?

They reason is because when people are greed, their mind cannot think. They only see the money. Logic don't exist anymore in their life. They live in Wonderland together with Alice. Their eyes had been closed by the huge amount of money. And they start to become stupid. Even the most genius person in the class can become a dumb ass when they become greedy.

Now I will explain to you about the first situation. It is all about the internet scam. Nothing real. Don't be greed. Just think wisely. If you were the Sudanese guy, and if you have USD150 millions with you, you will never ever give USD75 millions to no one just like that. It is way too much and why you risk you money to the person that you don't even know. For me, I better dig a secret hole and keep all the money inside it. I remember the coordinate and after everything turn back to normal, I'll dig it back. I just need to make sure that the hole is deep enough and I'm lucky enough to be save after the war. That's it.

The second story. It is what we call as a Quick-Rich-Scheme. Or QRS. It is just an acronym, nothing complicated. To be realistic, if I were you best friend and I really found that kind of investment, why should I tell you about that. I better invest it myself and when I got the money, I will give a thousand to all people that I know. And for you, I will give a million just because you are my best friend. Besides, the point why your friend asking you to join and pay the money because it is how that scheme work. They pay the previous people with the money from the new people that join it later. Even if this QRS really works, I believe the banks will bankrupt because everyone can be rich and no one need to lend money from them. Our government can't just let that happen. 

So my advice, be realistic and don't ever greed because greedy people always poor. The millionaires, they are not greed. They work harder and smarter than anyone else, that is why they are rich. They even donate the money to lazy people who always dreams to be rich. But lazy people never learn. They keep on saying rich people are greed.

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