Sunday, June 13, 2010

9 Habits Of The Millionaires

According to one of Adam's book, there are seven steps to become financially abundance. Now I only want to talk about the first step (I'll save the other steps for my next post). The first step is to adopt the million dollar mindset. Our mind is our biggest asset which it may determine how we manage our finance. If we have enough financial knowledge, then we can easily accumulate the other assets like properties and stocks. The most important thing is we can avoid big financial mistakes which can make us bankrupt. That is the worse financial scenario that can happen to a man.

Millionaire think differently than us, the average classes. For example, everyday when we do something in our life, we tend to face a lot of problems; like our house area have a lot of cockroaches and there are to much teenagers fooling around with their motorbikes. On the other hand, millionaires see this as a big opportunities. To be more specific, they see this problems as a money making opportunities; it is profitable if they made a pest control business and futsal court for the teens. This mindset is what we need to have.

Besides that, millionaires have another good mindset which they love failures. I know it sounds weird. But let me explain further. Most of use, we do financial mistakes. I also do some of it and I admit it. We experience being fooled by our friends to join the quick rich scheme. We experience being fooled by someone who pretend to be a rich multi level marketing businessman and convince use to join his pyramid scheme. (I know some MLM's companies are good). We also experience being fooled by someone from internet sending spam email asking use to pay RM50 so that we can get RM350 net profits in returns. This all are our failures. And because all of this failures, most of us just give up on their finance. They said, it is impossible to become a millionaire. But to the millionaires, they are actually make much bigger mistakes than us but they never give up or even sad. They look at it as a learning experience where they will never get fools anymore. Then they educate themselves with the knowledge of finance. And that is what we should do.

And if you already have both of the millionaire mindsets, it is not enough. You need to practice their habits. Below are their nine habits that we need to follow:

#1. Always exceed expectations
To be a millionaire, this is a must. Always exceed people's expectation. We must set a high standard if we want to do something. For example, if our business partner expected us to gain RM5000 net profits for a month, get more than that, make it RM10,000 at least. And if we own a business, and we provide a service to our clients, give them a life changing experience which is far beyond our competitor's standard. Then we can charge more. Most business people tend to think, if they reduce the price, they can become more competitive. This is wrong. Millionaires don't do this. They increase the price but, they triple the qualities and efficiencies. This is what clients want, they seek for qualities, not a cheap price.

2. Be proactive
Most people including me, always reactive. We wait for something to happen, then we act according to the situation. This what make our performance limited. We always depend on our environment and react from it. This is a totally different case to a millionaire. Millionaires are proactive. They don't wait for something miracle to happen, they are the one who make the miracle happen. Next time, we should be the one who control the situation. Be brave and smart at the same time.

3. Take 100% responsibility
Millionaires never depend on other people, they are the one who people's depend on.

4. Delayed gratification
Delayed gratification means you delay your joy. Save your money first. If you have a fix income, control your cash flow and save at least ten percent of it. You can't expect to start your own investment if you can't even save your own money. Most people, professionals especially, when they start working, they tend to have instant gratifications. They use half of their money to pay monthly installment for their latest BMW cars. They bring their beloved girlfriend to shopping. Long story short, they spend more than they invest. They will ended up broke. Millionaires don't do that. They save and invest much more than they spend. Initially, they just live a moderate lifestyle, when their assets provide enough passive income, then they can buy whatever they want without using their hard work money. This is their secret. (My father don't know this)

5. Do what you love
Adam give a very simple tips on how to know whether you love your job or not. Ask yourself all this questions. Do you want to do the job even if you have all the money in the world? Are you going to do that for free? If both of the answers are yes, then go on, you are on the right track to become a millionaire. I also still searching for the job that I love. I love to kill cockroaches because I hate cockroaches so much. I love to talk (you know me). I like to dreams. I like to read business books and self-improvement books. I like kids (I'm not saying that I'm ready for a kid). I like weird buildings. So, I must think of businesses that related with the things that I like. You should do the same. List all the things that you love and start thinking what business might suit you.

6. Acting with integrity
Always be honest. Why? Think of this. You take 20 years to build up your credibility and trust from your clients, but it only take 5 minutes of your dishonestly to destroy your credibility.

7. Be 100% committed

8. The ability to turn failure into success
It is not how far you fall that matters, it is how high you bounds back that matters.

9. Respect and love money

p/s- Being a millionaire is not easy, and that's why only 5% of the populations are millionaires. So, believe me. Don't afraid to be the minority because this minority are the one who control the majority.

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