Saturday, January 23, 2010

Only 10% of your salary is for your car monthly installment.

This statement make me shock. Who told me this? Azizi Ali and  Ridzuan Hafiz. Ridzuan Hafiz is one of the best MAA consultant I've ever known. And both of them really master their personal money management in their life. They are not the richest people on planet, but both of them really have a stable life financially. Then I try to be positive, and ask myself the reason behind this weirdness?

When you buy a car, you have to got some important points in your mind. Car is one of your liabilities and its price will always reduce by time. Its need petrol to move and that's mean more money come out from your pocket. You also need to service it to maintain the performance and again you need more money for you car. Its obviously not a great investment tool. Most important thing is you buy it because you need it as your transportation, not as an adult toys that you plan to show off to you friends.

I take mine as an example here. After I graduate, my basic monthly salaries from PETRONAS maybe around RM3500. At this moment that is the average salaries that other graduates got. So, 10% of it is only RM350. This mean I can't afford to buy Mercedes or BMW car straightly after I graduate. The best car to buy seems like Kancil, Satria, Viva or Kelisa. And that's fine for me. I can really save my money a lot by using one of this car especially Viva.

To compare with what most people do. After they graduate and start working. They will straightly buy expensive car like BMW or Mercedes. And, they will show off to all their friends and telling them how successful they are now. Then, after two to three month, this "successful proof" become a real burden to them. They work hard everyday just to pay their car installment. They can't sleep every night thinking of car's debt. Their life is full of pressure. And, they continue to recommend their friends to do the same (by buying expensive cars) and feel their "happy" and "successful" life.

So now, I totally agreed with this statement. How about you? Go for Viva!

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