Saturday, February 6, 2010

Stop buying cigarettes!

This tips is so simple that I believe every single person of you can follow it. Whether you are boys or girls. To be honest, I'm a smoker too but just an occasional smoker. Smoking is good for me because when I smoke, I feel so relax and calm, the high feeling is so good. But, that feeling can't be compare with love. Love feeling is far more cool than the feeling of smoke. The point I want to stress here is STOP BUYING CIGARETTES!, I'm not saying stop smoking or stop ask your friends a cigarette.

Why I'm telling this in my personal money blog? It just simple, you need money to buy cigarette, that's mean when you buy cigarette you waste your money. Don't believe? You burn your money. Both are same whether you buy cigarettes or you burn your money. For you to realize, I take myself as an example. I love Marlboro Light and Winston Light. I use to smoke minimum once a day. Roughly one box of 14 Marlboro Light cost me around RM7 and it can last for one week. In a month I already waste RM28. In one year I waste (searching for my calculator) RM336. In one decade I waste RM3360. Do you realize If I continue buying Marlboro Light for the next 10 years, it will cost me a motorbike. But if you smoke Dunhill, it might cost you a superbike!

So, how to do this? Let's start by not spending any of our penny on smoke. If you feel to smoke, ask from you friends who have some. If they don't have it, DON'T SMOKE! Smoking is nothing but wasting your money and damage you body. Do you know smoking can reduce you sexual strength and you production system? I don't want that to happen to me. I want to make sure my wife are the luckiest person on earth because she got me. The same goes to you. Don't sacrifice you health just for the damn smoke.

What else to do other than smoke? Go for sports. Find your dream soul mate. Read novels. Join some outdoor activities. Go for hiking. Go swim at the waterfall. Go picnic at the beach. Attend motivational or career seminar. Do part time job. Hang out with your friends watching sunset. Make a camp fire and enjoy singing till late night. Join martial art club. See! There are more other things that are better than smoke. You just need to love yourself, and enjoy doing something that brings benefit to you.


a i m a n n a i m said...

stop smoking

mehmed said...

then stop smoking..

-fahmi curtin-

sofiy said...

ok..i quit smoke then.. :)